Thursday, December 9, 2010
The White Balloon
When we were a kid, did we ever know what is good and what is bad? We always believed whatever our teachers, our friends or anybody said is true and we follow it blindly.
When we were a kid, little we had known about the value of money and we were so determined about the small small things which would shower happiness. We didnt even know how long would that happiness last long! May be it would have lasted till our mind gets distracted to some other things we see. Have we ever remembered to talking to strangers? If so how did we do? Were we afraid? I dont recollect!
What if we had a chance now to see that cute little face of young times, when we showed all kinds of expressions through our little face - happiness, curiosity, anger, sorrow, fear, respect, loneliness, restless, adamance and so on...
It was a few days back, I came across this Iranian movie - "The White Balloon". I saw this movie, of course with subtitles and I could not say exactly why I liked the movie. The movie is about a seven year old cute litte girl who is desperate to buy a fat gold fish for the new year which is approximately 75 minutes far and this movie is narrated in a very ordinary, yet beautiful way from the little girl's perspective. Some movies are inspiring, some are fun, some are romantic, some are interesting, some are boring, some are bloody, some are crap. I felt "The White Balloon" is a feel-light-good-movie.
Be it the determined, yet sad face when her mother denies to buy her the fish or be it the change of her expression when her brother actually convices her mom or be it the way she builds confidence over the guy in the fish store or be it the affection she shows for her brother, when he is beaten by another guy or be it the determination and expression of hope she shows when she finds a way to take the money out or be it the way she tries to protect the money from the Iranian soldier or be it the courageous, yet fearsome talk she makes to the snake charmers to get back her money, or any other expression she had to make, one has to watch the movie to feel it!
So did I....Better late than never!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Five years and still counting...
Something which I can boast of is may be I have learned basic cooking or atleast made some attempts to try to make some regular dishes. No no, dont expect a delicacy, I said basic cooking...!
With the increasing factory outlets and shopping malls in the city and given the fact that we have to push the weekend going, we land up in these places and have most of our money exchanged for new tees and casuals almost every alternate week! Gone are the days, where you purchase clothes only during Diwali festival!
In movies, policeman are portrayed with their pot belly, soon they may show IT people in a similar way. If its one thing I think I should take measures atleast now, is to control my tummy level! In fact I know, how much lean I was in my college! Thanks to KFC and Dominos and of course Andhra mess!
Almost I have watched most of the movies in this five years. I have learnt to admire good movies. If I am not in this industry, I would not have known the torrents site and wikipedia. May be its a very useful site for all purpose, but for me mostly I have used this site searching information about movies,actors and directors. I just love to click links in a link in a link and browse information.
So far so good....Five years and still counting!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sujatha's நைலான் கயிறு (Nylon Kayiru)
And its now when we guys went to Erode for one of my colleague's wedding reception where we just happened to walk into a book shop opposite to the hotel we stayed and I picked up a couple of books which included Nylon Kayiru (meaning a nylon rope)!
Well its the first novel by writer late Sujatha in the end 60's which was published for 14 weeks in a Tamil weekly magazine. Now they have compiled all the episodes and published as a single novel. I started reading the novel and finished in 3 hours. The reading experience is like watching a thriller movie! So interesting!
I was amazed with his writing style and given the fact that it was published 40 years before! His style was different. He is so knowledgable. He is trying to intoduce unknown facts and also explains them. In one of the episode, he hints about a medical term "sepsis" and "internal hemorrhage". These terms are definitely new 40 years back and even now "sepsis" is new for me :) ! I did a google search to find its explanation!
He has adopted a different narrative style in this novel with inserting a snippet from a person's diary and narrating a murder followed by the sequence of its investigation and finally the investigation leads to the diary. It might have been a trend set in introducing different writing style. At first you dont get to know the relation between the diary and the scene described in the episode. Given the fact that it was published weekly, it would have created an immense curiosity among the readers! In fact, after reading the whole novel, I went back and read the diary snippets alone from each episode again to get a clear picture of the story! I am sure, movies are inspired from his writings! If I was amazed with the non linear editing style in Christopher Nolan's Memento, then I had a similar feel while reading this novel. I didnt know that through writing also one could give a non linear view!
Sujatha is no more, but he has shared lots of his knowledge and views through his writings and has given work for us to read, enjoy, learn and think! Indeed, Art is long and life is short!
Monday, November 15, 2010
It striked me when..
I guess, soon there might be a substitute name for a mobile phone as it is used for more than the required telephonic conversation. There will be no surprise at present if some body asks you that apart from being a teetotaller, how many hours you waste before the internet or how often you use your mobile phone per day. I dont know where it will lead, the destination is still unclear! And definitely not a healthy destination. On the other hand, its high time we can imagine being without mobile or internet! Its like the earth stood still and have a feeling like having losing something close to the heart.
I admit its important to stay connected when we are away from our dear ones. But, is it required when they are close and near is the next billion dollar question... Well then I can call it addiction! If you smoke or drink, it takes time to quit or you dont quit at all, may be you reduce the frequency and so is this..atleast stay away when you are at home !
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Which generation are we?
I don’t know, I always feel like a testing rat being tested with all the changes and developments happening around us. Or may be I am glued to this digital world so much that, I am forced to think so!
My uncle cherishes his nostalgia by recollecting the letters he used to write to home when he was in hostel. I can’t even do that...all I should have done is to have recorded my telephone conversation then.
During college days, my mom used to ask frequently, with whom are you talking over the phone. My dad used to ask why the phone charges are high. And now it’s mobile. You call it privacy..But yet you are not alone!
I cannot forget my cassette collections. Then CDs. We had to pay a huge price to get a CD player. By the time we get used to it, and then came DVDs and now Blu ray! Come on give me a break!
I could recollect using an ordinary Kodak camera with film rolls during my late school days. You don’t even know how the output is unless you finish it off and give it to a store to take prints! Then came the digital camera. They were tested on us. We paid more initially. Our first expression was Wow! Being able to see instantly the snaps we take and the capability to store it in our PCs without even having to print it. One single photograph in hand is worth more than the thousands of jpg files you store it in your PC! What an irony!
I still have a pass book of my first bank account. I was then thinking will there be any way to reduce the queue for money withdrawal. Now I don’t even need to know where my bank is present physically. But the queue has not reduced but switched places from banks to ATMs. I was thinking what would happen if a day comes when the internet world goes black.
What I thought in a computer was then a black and white monitor with some programs running. And thought computer programmers were genius! Am I a genius then? No not even the first letter of it. Yesterday they talked about internet, google, blogs, facebook on a larger screen…and now micro applications. We are forced to cope up or else we become obsolete.
I can say that these kind of thoughts will not strike the future minds as they donot have a chance to realise the transformations from what it was to what it is, like we realise it.
Changes are happening so rapidly that what has happened yesterday is outdated today. Somehow, we are in this period of time. Should I call it a boon or bane? It’s become an additional burden to strike a balance between our elders and our juniors. Nowadays even a short gap of two to three years between us and our juniors have a lot of differences in terms of ideas, education, technology, communication etc. So you cannot even call it a generation gap. What do you call then? The people who have hard times to stand these are our elders. It’s not their fault though. Most of our parents would find it hard to even understand what a computer is. So definitely they have hard times to cope up with the current trend. Imagine your father asking how to surf the net and your younger brother asking details about iphone. You know where you stand now!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Endhiran - An Experience!
So where is the difference? What creates all the hype and fun? The only name is Rajnikanth! Its like you are waiting to have your favourite ice cream and what will you do when you hear that it would be topped by hot chocolate, crispy nuts, raisins and berries giving the final touch. Dont you go berserk? So Rajni-Shankar-ARR-Ash combo delight dons the magic here!
Endhiran is an agmark Indian recipe with all the native masala ingredients topped with spices imported from foreign soil DOT.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
When childhood pals meet...
Its been a long pending item, which we had achieved now. We missed our other guys, but still we six managed to make it. It was like married guys being single for one day and singles feeling even younger and surprised by the mature talks of the latter ;). The talks about our school were still fresh, still remembering and cherishing the good old days we were in school. It was great to see how we have transformed ourselves from how we were in school to how we are now. Altogether, it was a pleasant holiday! Lets see when we meet up again! Sometimes these kinda activities give us a sigh of relief from our routine...aint it?
Monday, July 26, 2010
I dont recollect how we came to this topic...
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Its been a regular routine....
... to start my blog with.."its been a little while i blogged..." i wondered if i could try out some new way to start off with...
Now its been over a month, I am back to namma Bengaluru. Seems nowadays i feel even more lazy to tweet...some how made up to scribble what shall i talk...should i talk about my stay abroad or should i talk about the way they see a guy after he returns abroad or for that matter how you take it....I am no exception..u could atleast find some symptoms of an onsite return..... and whatever i scribble here is the fun teaser my colleagues had to tease on me...
Once when my colleague looked at my playlist - Rihanna's Rated R...thats it gone...they even asked if i changed my name to Kish..or Ken or something...
The lift was really slow in the new building of my office...Should nt i ask about it ? It was the talk of the cubicle the next moment.. :) :)
I was a liitle cautious in whatever i speak...some how when i was speaking to my manager... "okay" turned "k"..and it repeated a few times and he also didnt leave me without making fun.... :) :) I was extra cautious in not using the word 'appreciate'.
One afternoon, I had my parota at the road side opposite to my office. It added more flavour to the talk...They had to tease me somehow and started like "See the simplicity of this US maapillai having parota in the roadside...(now i am not an Indian it seems :( :( ).
Mostly you will find a Cheroke brand in the Mega mart stores here. Is it my mistake to buy that brand? :) :) It had the eagle logo...They were asking if i remember our national bird.... :) :)
..i think its been a month and hope the fun teaser is go away for one month or one year...they dont care...your legs need to be pulled...
Sunday, March 28, 2010
What to blog? Why to blog?
I have been into this space for quite a while. I was just lookin back at my own piece of scribbling. Either I just pour my thoughts on a movie or exagerate one of the place I visited or contemplate about my wierd cooking or some nostalgic memories to cherish! Is that all ? Why am i doing all this in the first place? Am I self centric and trying to attract with my extended testimonies ? Should I talk philosophical ? Should I comment on what is goin on the surrounding ? Am I not using the space properly ? Should I crticise something on a current hot topic ? Is it like being selfish and not thinking about others? Is it I am single and want to impress ? Who?
Hmmm...I dont know... The one that turns me on or at which I am interested more, drives me to scribble in this piece! I dont say that you judge a person completely by his writing here. It may be partial result. Of course I dont record bad memories or negative thoughts here. So why? Is it because people who read my blog might have a balanced impression on me? If so, should I care? So am I marketing my self in this arena ? Well whatever! At this moment, I didnt know what to blog and wanted to blabber something here! Blah..Blah...Blah!
No offence if this piece is boring and irrelevant or out of the context! I think I had given a warning at the start! :)
Saturday, March 13, 2010 not my loaf of bread!

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Good Start...
We are totally nine in number including me here out of which three are married. Six of us are staying in two adjacent apartments. We thought, why not we arrange for a "PotLuck" gathering!? It sounded good! We had an agreement to meet in one of the bachelor's apartment on the New Year afternoon for lunch. Each person must prepare some dishes and bring. And then we would have a collective variety of lunch.
From our apartment we had agreed to prepare Aloo Bajji, Drumstick Sambhar and Vegetable Khurma. It was a different experience. I googled the recipe for Aloo Bajji (Google for Aloo Bajji....sounds funny huh!?) and tried that! Beginner's luck! It came out good if not excellent! Actually it was a collective work with all my inmates involved. More or less, I have become a master in Sambhar these days and it was a cake walk this time. My other colleague prepared the Vegetable Khurma.
The other dishes from other apartment included Vada, Gobi Manchurian, Puri, Vegetable Pulao, Vegetable Biryani, Tamarind Rice, Paratha, Papad and Kesari. It was fully a vegetarian menu! It may sound crazy to write the dishes here, but it would make me feel content when I read this after some time especially when i am lazy to cook and I end with ONLY dhaal and rice! He..he!!
It was a different experience. Not only the variety in dishes, but the variety in persons involved - families, kids, bachelors. Its also like South Indian states coming together - Karnataka, Andhra, Tamil Nadu & Kerala. The families had a chance to taste the bachelors' preparation. And we had a chance to taste theirs. It was fun altogether.
We had a good start! Happy New Year!