I would have wanted or not wanted,
I would have known or not known,
It is intentional or unintentional,
It is the truth or a lie,
Somebody asks or not..
Excuses! Excuses!
Lame Excuses all the way!

When I wake up late...I say Bangalore is very cold in the morning!
When I dont jog..oops.. its already eight, I have to get ready for office!
When I skip office...I think i am not well!
When I spend unnecessarily.... salary had just been credited!
When I hardly talk to my old friends.....busy at work, you see!
When I skip a friend's marriage...project release on that day!
When I dont pick up a call....I am riding my bike!
When I party hard...weekend you see!
When I fail to impress... lets look out for another!
When I dont wash my clothes for the week... well who cares!
...And many more!
Excuses! Excuses!
Lame Excuses all the way!